lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009


Pues sì!! nos han climatizado y por fin estamos funcionando!!!
El agua calentita que tenemos es maravillosa........y ahora en la epoca invernal, te darà el gusto de tu vida entrar a darte un baño y estar còmodo nadando sin temor a que se te ericen todos los pelos del cuerpo!!!
Ven.... que es una tentaciòn divina y no te arrepentiras.............

Las piscinas.

Yes!! We have been heated and we are working!! The warm water is wonderful and now in winter time you will join the most beautiful sensation getting in, confortably, swimming without feeling cold...........
Come on it is a super temptation and you will not regret..........

The two swimming pools.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009


Hello everybody!!!
At AQUASOL we have been working very hard lately, to renew many things!!
We are proud of the changes we did, because now the complex is more confortable, safer and nice!!
We have renewed all the entrance and the solarium floors; we have changed the entrance door with another safer and stronger; we fenced all the complex for your security and privacy!!
Now you will get in the complex by a electromagnetic lock sistem with a special keyring that will recognized your apartment number!!!
Changed all the locks of the apartments with others more secure and with a sistem that allows you to leave doors and windows open just a little to refresh the apartment, without danger...
We changed all the tapestry of the apartments with a new nicer one!!
We renewed the two swimming poools and heated by solar energy, to be pleasant in the winter time!!
we renewed the umbrella with colorful ones and the pool bar now has two chillout areas very nice and soft for you to have a drink and talk relaxed with your friends in front of the wonderful sea view at the down time!!!!
Remember we have also 14 video cam of closed circuit suirvellance sistem so you can enjoy your stay without problems.....!!!!!!!!!!
Well we have a lot more to do in AQUASOL, but we are always running to improve it as fast as we can, hoping for you to spend a wonderful time with us and our nice,friendly staff!!!!
We are waiting for you....come and enjoy AQUASOL!!!